Designer Bio: Connor McConnell of Abominable Toys

For several years, Connor & I belonged to several FB Designer, Urban & Pop Culture collectible groups. Despite not knowing each other directly, we shared many mutual friends & the same passion for unique collectibles, a grown up version of collecting ‘toys’ you might say.
Most interactions I personally had with Connor where in these public forums. He was well known in the community as being a fun, fair, down to earth, OG collector, and the guy you’d invite to your BBQ or go to a game with.
Connor drew a rough sketch of an adorable & lovable Yeti on his Trig homework from back in High School. The design was initially made for a logo for a collectible company he ran with his dad.
At a Comic Trade, Connor met Benjamin Su a Character Animator with Pixar Animation Studios. He asked Ben to help refine his sketch & character.
Once Connor posted Ben’s version he was asked by many collectors if his character would be a pin or a figure. A gentleman named Eric Johns sent him a message saying he could help Conner with sculpting his design. This is how Abominable Toys was officially born. But Connors adorable Yeti still did not have a name.
In late 2017/early 2018, Connor posted a challenge in a Bimtoy Tiny Ghost Group to help him name his character. Connor made the challenge into a voting contest in the group. The most popular voted name was ‘Chomp’ submitted by member Pat Kurtzner.
Not long after that Abominable Toys started releasing pins and stickers. And the first Chomp figure was released in December 2018.
Since then, Abominable Toys have become a fan & crowd favorite, with large crowds waiting on long lines just to meet the designers, get their figures signed or sketched on, selling out at some of the largest cons such as New York Comic Con & DCon.
Abominable Toys is no longer a small fledgling designer collectible company. Chomp has won the hearts of so many including some of the pickiest collectors.
As a collector myself, it’s been amazing to watch someone like myself, not just follow his dream, not just fulfill his dream, Connor & Abominable Toys have absolutely crushed it. And I am excited to see what’s next.
Thank you Connor, Abominable Toys & Plastic Empire for allowing us here at The Isle of Misfit Toys, to debut our Designer Toy Mystery Box using the one & only amazing Chomp, we are truly humbled & excited that you chose to allow us this great honor.
Awesome backstory I was not aware of until reading this article! Definitely great to see such success come to the humble, hard workers out there. SUCH a cute character/IP how could you NOT love Chomp!?? 🙂