SOLD OUT!!! The Droid Foundry – THE CUBE (Graffitied) – MYSTERY BOX – Large


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The Droid Foundry – THE CUBE (Graffitied) – MYSTERY BOX

Product Information 
Size: 60 mm in height
Material: SLS printed nylon
Place of Production: UK

Human owners could interact with cubes in several ways electronically as well as using verbal communications. Simple AI was installed with the first designs having speech modules and were able to respond to their owners through simple algorithmic programming. These would be a passive listening cubes capable of processing what they were told and then providing basic verbal responses. Later more advanced versions might respond by being able to hold a basic conversation and many owners saw them an integral parts of working lives or in many cases family lives.

Whilst often sited inside domestic housing and work premises it was very common for them to be sited in outside where they might be tasked to more closely connected with the humans and droids work force.


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